Kathi Wright Education Director, Kyle Kiihnl Foundation
This letter is to endorse Manjit Kaur for Alderman in Germantown, TN. While I have only known Manjit for a few years, I have been very impressed with her work ethic and commitment to the city of Germantown.
I met Manjit while on the Public Safety and Education Commission and knew right away that she is one to get things done and is involved in every aspect of the commission. As a member of PSEC Manjit listens to the opinions of others and makes a well-stated case for her assessment of the situation. She always puts the best interests of Germantown first.
My family has a non-profit to promote education of sleep and drowsy driving for teens. I had talked with Manjit about this once and she decided that the students at Houston High School needed to hear this information. Within a day she had a flier for the event and was working to promote the event. This was very new to me! Usually if I am going to do a presentation, I do all the work but Manjit was very interested in getting this important information to the students and she made it happen in record time.
Manjit has endless energy and is involved in many facets of community service. In addition to the PSEC, she also serves on the Germantown Education Commission, Leadership Germantown, and volunteered over 200 hours at the Covid 19 vaccination center. In every instance she has incredible attention to detail and is solely focused on making Germantown a better place for all of us.
Manjit’s volunteer experience is extensive and will serve her well as Alderman in our city.